As I said previously the price is 18$75. You probably need to buy it the day before. It was full. 

There are 3 cooperatives navigating. They share the week days, so each day a different one. What matters for you is that you can take the boat every day at 7h30. Be there before 7h.

There is an extra one Tuesday at 17h.

My good surprise is that the boat has a toilet! Yeahhhh.

In the boat many families and some wokers.

Tourists, we were 4, on a boat of 60 people, 2 guys from an ONG, and of course some chickens ;) 

And one girl with unshaven legs... maybe indigenous do not use it and if she is a “metis” mixed race, she unfortunately got the European genetics. 

The boat stopped at places where we can hardly guess some people live there.

Talking with one guy in the boat. He explained me he is part of group of constructors going to dig wells for communities. Here the river is too contaminated by the petrol. Not easy to filtre. They started in the 70s... and are trying to accelerate the extraction before the Peruan dig their own ones!

Changing planes, I am actually going to spend 2 nights in the amazon with families. I met two biologists which are going to perform some divulgación work (the 2 ONG guys). They proposed me to follow them :) so here we go. 

We get down at Tiputini and wait for someone to take us by “lancha”.